A cappella choir
- Ad Completorium for a cappella mixed choir, 2018
- Christe, qui lux est et dies
- Nunc dimittis
- Chciałbym zaśpiewać ci for poetry of M. Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, for a cappella mixed choir, 2018
- Dyptyk morski for poetry of K. K. Baczyński, for a cappella mixed choir, 2018
- Sonet – morze
- Deszcz na morzu
- O vere beata nox for a cappella mixed choir, 2017
- Benedic, anima mea, Domino (Ps. 103) for female and children choir a cappella, 2017
- Benedic, anima mea, Domino
- Homo: Sicut fenum dies eius
- Benedicte Domino
- Sancte Michael Archangele for female choir a cappella, 2017 score
- Sicut cervus for a cappella mixed choir, 2016 score
- Alleluia. Confitemini Domino for a cappella mixed choir, 2016
- Pie Jesu for female choir a cappella, 2015 score
- O caelestis medice for female choir a cappella, 2015
- Media Vita for 3 unaccompanied choirs, 2015
- Spiritus Domini for a cappella mixed choir, 2014
- O Oriens for female choir a cappella, 2014
- Mój Ojcze for a cappella mixed choir, 2014
- Gaudeamus omnes In Domino for a cappella mixed choir, 2013 score
- Psalms for a cappella mixed choir
- Ave Regina Caelorum for a cappella mixed choir, 2012 score
- Ave Virgo gloriosa for children choir a cappella, 2011
- Cor mundum for a cappella mixed choir, 2011
- Stabat Mater Dolorosa for a cappella mixed choir, 2010
- Ave Verum Corpus for a cappella mixed choir, 2009 score
- Cantico canticorum for a cappella mixed choir, 2006
- Domine in manus tuas for a cappella mixed choir, 2005
- Błogosławieni miłosierni for children choir and piano, 2018
- Regina Poloniae for soprano, mezzosoprano, choir and organ, 2017
- Stworzenie Świata for baritone and piano, 2016
- Cantus psalmorum for tenor, choir, brass, organ and percussion, 2016
- Cyt… to gra Śmierć for soprano and piano, 2016
- The Mystery of Continuity for choir and orchestra, 2015
- What is music? for female choir, children choir, piano and percussion, 2014 (version for female choir, children choir, piano, string quartet and percussion, 2015)
- From Silence to End – homo viator for small orchestra, 2018
- When she’s silent for brass orchestra, timpani and organ, 2018
- The Structure of Shadow for saxophone, vibraphone, viola and two cellos, 2018
- Winter Evening Tales for wind quintet, 2017
- Simple short story for brass orchestra, organ and percussion, 2015
- String quartet No. 1, 2015/2018
- Suita kolędowa for flute, oboe, violin and cello, 2013